Whale Falls and Whale Poop

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Our experts have classified it as….

How does this solution rate on:

Climate impact: tonnes of carbon saved/removedLow. Whale falls are small tonnages. Carcasses get eaten and recycled by sharks and other sea creatures in any case.

Whale poop is a variant of ocean nutrification.

These three goals are rather more wish-like and not framed as solutions:
1. Saving whales
2. Stop pollution
3. Organise other people
Climate adaptation-resilience
Social justice i.e. addresses inequalities, diversity, inclusion
Cost of action needed to progress goal
Which location is the solution most needed/applicable

Do your own research on the solution

Research has shown that whale poop can be helpful in fighting the climate crisis as it has plenty of carbon-capturing nutrients. We can use this natural solution to our advantage by using artificial whale poop to capture more carbon.

The Climate Confident podcast with Ralph Chami makes a great case for preserving whales. He estimates the value of one whale in terms of carbon capture is equivalent to thousands of trees. The financial value based on carbon credits, fish stock and whale tourism is a minimum of $2 million over the lifetime of a single whale. https://www.climateconfidentpodcast.com/1329991/9315758-using-finance-to-protect-and-enhance-biodiversity-while-simultaneously-sequestering-carbon-a-chat-with-ralph-chami

This video explains how whales change the climate. We also recommend reading this article which explains the specific importance of whale poop.

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